Saturday 6 October 2012

The last of the summer salads!

I’m feeling herb and pulse crazy! As far as I’m concerned, chuck a pile of herbs, pulses, olive oil, lemon juice, perhaps some lightly fried onions and garlic in a bowl. Add in caramelized red peppers or crumbled feta or diced cucumber, tomato and spring onion. 

I’m especially enjoying dill, mint, coriander, puy lentils, chickpeas and black-eyed beans. Although those tins of mixed beans you can get are pretty good too.

Maybe its simply my subconscious is anticipating winter and stews and meat and trying to put it off as long as possible.

The photograph showing something in slices and slightly green was an experiment. In pursuit of a courgetty, herby fritter sort of affair, I overdid the egg and stumbled upon something that resembled an omelet. It was not at all what I expected so I was disappointed but it was certainly edible.

I’m giving you the recipes for the dishes photographs: partly because I can’t really remember what I did; also because I think it is much more fun to make them up as you go along. All I will say is that to one I add leeks and the other some cous cous.

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